Spondylodiscitis is an infection of the intervertebral discs (between the vertebrae) along with the vertebrae...
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Arm Pain of Spinal Origin
Arm pain of spinal origin can be described as discomfort or pain felt anywhere in the arm including the wrist, elbow...
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Isthmic Spondylolisthesis
Isthmic spondylolisthesis is a spinal disorder in which one vertebra glides forward over the vertebra below.
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Skeletal Dysplasia
Skeletal dysplasia, also called osteochondrodysplasia, is the term used for growth or developmental disorders...
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Pseudarthrosis is an unhealed broken bone, also known as nonunion. Usually, damaged or broken bones heal...
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Cervicogenic Headache
Cervicogenic headaches involve pain in one or both sides of your head that radiates from your neck to the front of the head.
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Spinal Compression Fractures
A compression fracture of the vertebra occurs when the bones of the spine (vertebrae) collapse.
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Spinal Disorders
The spine is made up of a column of small bones called vertebrae that surround and protect the spinal cord...
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Spinal Injuries at Work
Injuries at the workplace are very common and may be debilitating. Global statistics report that around 260...
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Spinal Instability
Spinal instability refers to the condition of failure of the spinal column to maintain its normal structure.
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Disc Herniation
Disc herniation is one of the common causes of back pain. The intervertebral discs are flat and round, present between the vertebrae...
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Facet Joint Arthritis
Facet joint arthritis, also known as facet joint syndrome, is a form of arthritis that affects the facet joints of the spine.
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Back Pain
Back pain or backache is the pain felt in the back that may originate from damage to the muscles, nerves, bones, joints or other...
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Spondylolisthesis is the displacement of the vertebral disc from the spinal column. Outward (forward) displacement is termed as...
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Spine Deformities
The spine or backbone provides stability to the upper part of our body. It helps to hold the body upright.
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Degenerative Disc Disease
Degenerative disc disease (DDD) refers to the gradual deterioration of the intervertebral discs between the vertebrae.
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Tethered Cord Syndrome
Tethered cord syndrome is a condition characterized by a restricted spinal cord within the spinal canal that cannot move upward...
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Spinal Tumors
A spine tumor is the abnormal growth of uncontrolled tissues or cells in and around the spinal cord.
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Spine Injuries in Athletes
Spine injuries in athletes are defined as damage sustained by the spine as a result of physical trauma or overuse in people who are actively involved in sports.
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Cauda Equina Syndrome
What Cauda equina syndrome is an emergency condition characterized by persistent severe lower back pain caused by the compression...
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Kyphosis is a condition of abnormal curvature of the spine that causes rounding of the upper back or a hunchback.
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Scheuermann's Kyphosis
Scheuermann’s kyphosis is a deformity of the spine that develops during growth. It can be considered as increased kyphosis.
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Sacroiliac Joint Dysfunction
Sacroiliac joint dysfunction or sacroiliac joint pain is one of the common causes of low back pain.
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Chordoma is a rare, slow-growing malignant tumor that develops in the spine and skull bones.
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Traumatic Spinal Cord Injury
A traumatic spinal cord injury is an injury from sudden physical trauma that results in a fracture, dislocation, or compression...
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Adjacent Segment Disc Disease
Spinal fusion surgery involves the fusion of two or more vertebral bones and is a standard of care for spinal deformities and conditions...
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Ankylosing Spondylitis
Sacroiliac joints are present in the lower back where the sacrum part of the vertebrae joins the iliac bones.
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Spondyloarthropathies are a group of chronic inflammatory diseases of the spine and joints. Spondyloarthropathies can occur at any age...
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The spine forms a natural curve at the neck, torso, and lower back, which allows it to absorb shock and hold the weight of your head.
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Proximal Junctional Kyphosis
Proximal junctional kyphosis (PJK) is a common complication following adult spinal deformity surgery or a long spinal fusion.
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Neck and Back Injuries
Neck and back injuries usually result from damage to the surrounding structures such as the muscles, bones, or ligaments of the neck...
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Epidural Abscess
An epidural abscess is a medical condition that can be defined as an infection in the region between the spine, or bones of the skull...
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Sports-Related Spine Injuries
Sports and exercise are an essential part of a healthy lifestyle. Sports injuries often affect the spine as a result of inadequate ...
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Spine Bone Spurs
Spine bone spurs, also called osteophytes, are bony projections that develop in the spine’s facet joints where...
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Spinal Stenosis
Spinal stenosis is a condition caused by the vertebral column constricting and exerting pressure on the spinal cord or neural foramen...
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Whiplash is a soft tissue injury to the neck, usually caused by a sudden forceful jerk commonly occurring because of an automobile...
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Adult Degenerative Scoliosis
Adult degenerative scoliosis is characterized by side to side or lateral bending of the spine in adults.
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Spine Arthritis
Spine arthritis is a condition characterized by the inflammation, degeneration, or wearing out of cartilage in the joints of the spine.
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Neuromuscular Scoliosis
Scoliosis is a condition in which the spine bends to the left or right side resulting in an irregular shape. Neuromuscular scoliosis is a...
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Adult Kyphosis-Types and Causes
Adult kyphosis, the condition of curve in the spine is categorized into the major types Postural Kyphosis...
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Osteoporotic Fractures
Osteoporosis is a bone disorder where your bones become fragile and weak causing them to break easily.
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Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis
Scoliosis is a medical condition characterized by an abnormal lateral curvature of the spine, either to the left or to the right.
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Kyphosis in Children
Kyphosis is an abnormal curvature of the spine that causes rounding of the upper back or a “hunchback”.
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Certain diseases or mechanical compression of these spinal nerves due to deformities in the vertebral column can lead to radiculopathy.
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Osteoporosis of the Spine
Osteoporosis is a bone disease characterized by a decrease in bone mass and density resulting in brittle, fragile bones that...
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Piriformis Syndrome
Piriformis Syndrome is an uncommon, rare neuromuscular condition caused by the compression of the sciatic nerve by the piriformis muscle.
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Disc Changes
The cartilaginous disc is made up of an outer fibrous layer called the annulus fibrosus, which surrounds an inner gelatinous core called...
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Discitis, also called discitis, is inflammation between the spaces of the intervertebral discs in the spine.
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Back Pain in Children
Back pain is uncommon in children and is usually associated with a serious underlying condition or an injury.
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